The Quest

While doing research for this website i started looking into the fact that Stephen King wrote the filecard for a G.I. Joe named 'Crystal ball' and in thanks, Hasbro gave the real name of Sneak Peak the same name as Stephen King's son, Owen King. While looking at the illustration of another GI Joe named Crystal Ball i noticed an uncanny resemblance to Vincent Price. So then i started to think that maybe the reason Sneak Peek looked so strange was because he was modeled after someone also. I looked at pictures of Stephen King and he didn't seem to match, so then i thought that maybe they modeled him after Stephen's son, Owen; it was his name they used after all. I tracked down a photo of Owen King and i have to match. So my quest failed, maybe someday we'll find the answer or maybe Sneak Peek's likeness isn't modeled after anybody at all. I do have to say though, i bet Owen was pissed when he saw the figure they named him after.

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